Riggwelter is Back!

Hello friends, old and new, it has been three years since you last heard from Riggwelter. The good news is, we have returned from the dead. We are open to submissions again and ready and excited to publish Riggwelter #31 in January 2024.

Lots of things have changed! Our editor is a man now and uses the name Jonathan and the pronouns he/him (please address him as such).

Lots of things haven’t changed! We’ll still be releasing monthly issues and reviews and essays on an as-and-when basis. We’ll still be accepting poetry, fiction, plays, visual art and experimental media. It’s still just Jonathan at the helm (for now).

Why are we back? Well, it was time, wasn’t it? With the Arts Council budget here in the UK being severely cut and poetry often getting the short end of the stick, big name publishers and magazines shutting up shop or drastically changing their frequency and format, we look to grass-roots poetry organisations and initiatives. Riggwelter began because somebody asked us, well whose permission are you waiting for? We’ve been asking ourselves that a lot lately. The real answer is, our own.

Go forth, give yourself permission, be beholden to nothing and no one! Send us your finest work, your weirdest work, your work that’s been about the houses and has never quite found a home, your favourite work, your new work, your old work (and if we’re very lucky, your first ever work)! And if you’re feeling especially brave or in need of a challenge or just something to do, we challenge you this:

Start a litmag too. We’ll see you in January. Until then, you know the drill, and if you don’t, check our pages, see what you can find out.

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